06-07, 16:00–16:50 (EST5EDT), Altispeed (JR Ballroom )
Life is short and the art is long. How should you choose the next programming language to invest time in? Choosing well requires some understanding of how we got here.
Engineering is driven by cost gradients, and every programming language design is a bet about the future. We live in one of the periods when technological advances are destabilizing long-held assumptions about programming languages. What comes next, and how do you choose? In this talk I'll explain how we got here and dive into those tradeoffs. I can't promise pat answers; I can promise you a toolkit for making sound choices. Warning: thius talk will comntain opinions and opinion byproducts!
Wandering hacker, troublemaking anthropologist, maintainer of over a hundred open-source projects. If it weren't for me you probably wouldn't be at this conference.