06-07, 13:00–13:50 (EST5EDT), AlmaLinux (BallroomC)
Join me for a tour through the science behind preparing and cooking food.
Do you ever wonder what's happening to the food you prepare and cook? Why does a brined tenderloin taste better and juicier than an un-brined one? Why do steaks on TV commercials all have those cross hatched grill marks? What actually happens when you put your frozen taquitos on a baking sheet and into the oven, and why do the taquitos taste better than when you microwave them? Is he ever going to stop asking questions and start answering them?
Let's dive the chemistry and physics behind something you do every day: eating!
Jeff is a long time Linux enthusiast and advocate dating back to 1996. He co-hosts the Opinion Dominion podcast and Saturday night's Retro Linux Ragchew with JT Pennington. In his day job, he crafts automation and maintains a way-too-large fleet of systems and unruly field appliances.