SouthEast Linux Fest 2024

You use Linux? Nobody Cares!
06-08, 17:00–17:50 (EST5EDT), Rocky Linux (BallroomB)

Evangelism is borderline useless to annoying for most non-FLOSS using people. There are better ways to promote Linux and FLOSS that don't come off as bothersome or induce eye rolling.

The memes are stereotypes about Linux users are not pleasant, but exist for reasons. Most people do work with their computer not work on their computer. It's a tool and a means to an end. We should approach this problem of awareness in the same vein. The core idea here is "don't tell me, show me" that Linux and FLOSS are powerful and useful. Don't be a fanboi or fangirl, build something others can appreciate.

Among other things I'm a photographer, astronomer, physicist, mechanic, programmer and devops engineer. I've spent a great deal of time working with imaging systems all the way from spectrometers, astronomical CCD systems to your run-of-the-mill digital SLRs and rangefinders.

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