SouthEast Linux Fest 2024

Where Permaculture & FOSS Converge!
06-09, 10:00–10:50 (EST5EDT), Altispeed (JR Ballroom )

Interested in permaculture design? Explore free & open information sharing, traditional agricultural methods and the technologies we use to monitor production, yields, energy usage and tooling.

A round-table informal discussion and networking group focusing on how permanent/sustainable horticultural techniques and property design can improve with FOSS technologies.

Keith Bowers (Contractor @ Arc Mage Power Solutions) will elaborate on concepts like general permaculture design, self-hosting FarmOS, Energy Dashboard in Home Assisstant, Open Energy Monitoring/IoTaWatt, SBC-based sensor networks, sharing harvest, yield and planning information, etc - whatever people want to talk about.

Kenneth Bingham (DevOps @ NetFoundry) will share his newbie permacultural journey and experience with natural processes like composting and working his property in relation to his long career as a software engineer within the FOSS mindset.

Attendees will then share their experiences, ask questions, gain access to resources and build our Southeastern community of builders and growers - the core of both the permacultural and FOSS philosophy.

Keith Bowers - aka The Arc Mage - is an electrical contractor, tinkerer, permaculture designer and heavy metal enthusiast located in Durham, NC. Arc Mage Power Solutions ([email protected]) is dedicated to electrical and data installations that focus on efficiency, functional design and end-user devices that provide open source solutions.

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