SouthEast Linux Fest 2024

Accelerating Linux Application Development with Flutter: A Hands-on Workshop
06-08, 16:00–17:50 (EST5EDT), System76 (BallroomA)

This workshop delves into the application of Flutter, a popular cross-platform development framework, for crafting native desktop applications specifically for the Linux platform. Participants with a foundational understanding of Flutter will gain practical experience and insights into building performant and visually appealing Linux applications.

Learning Objectives:

  • Leveraging Flutter for Desktop Development: Explore the capabilities and advantages of utilizing Flutter for creating native Linux desktop applications.
  • Hands-on Development: Establish the development environment and embark on the creation of a basic Linux application using Flutter, gaining practical experience.
  • Platform-Specific Considerations: Delve into the key distinctions and best practices associated with developing for Linux desktops compared to mobile platforms.
  • Harnessing Flutter Plugins: Effectively leverage existing plugins or delve into creating custom plugins to interact with native functionalities specific to the Linux platform.
  • Packaging and Distribution Strategies: Gain an understanding of the methods for packaging your application and facilitating its distribution across various Linux systems.

Target Audience:

This workshop is tailored towards developers who possess a fundamental understanding of Flutter and seek to broaden their skills by learning to build desktop applications for the Linux platform.

Workshop Benefits:

  • Gain practical experience through hands-on application development with Flutter on Linux.
  • Explore the potential of Flutter as a cross-platform development tool and its unique suitability for desktop applications.
  • Unlock the capabilities of native features offered by the Linux desktop environment.

Ryan Edge is a software engineer and Flutter GDE from Charlotte, North Carolina. His primary focus is application development using Flutter and React. His secondary focus is back-end development with technologies including Node.js, Vercel, Supabase, and Firebase. He co-authored "Cross-Platform UIs with Flutter".