SouthEast Linux Fest 2024

Netbox for network sanity
06-07, 15:00–15:50 (EST5EDT), System76 (BallroomA)

Using a spreadsheet for IP management? Trying to track rack usage with a stale diagram? Keeping circuit information in interface descriptions? Bring conformity and clarity to your life with Netbox!

Netbox is an open source network "source of truth" system. It can help you keep track of circuits, IPs, subnets, VLANs, equipment, and cabling. This talk will guide you through setting up Netbox post-install. It can be daunting looking at a blank slate, so let's walk through the portal of awesomeness together!

Greetings! I began using Slackware Linux in roughly 1994. Since then I have used various distributions throughout my life but prefer Debian. I've worked in K12 and private network environments, mainly doing network and systems administration and engineering. I also enjoy Ham Radio and generally all things nerdy.