06-08, 16:00–16:50 (EST5EDT), Altispeed (JR Ballroom )
An empowering session on fostering open source stewardship. Discuss actionable strategies to support the community through time, talent, or treasure. Learn effective methods for giving back and inspiring others to contribute. Together, let's sustain the spirit of open source!
From responsible bug filing to nurturing a culture of gratitude, let's embark on a journey of discussing open source stewardship. The sustainability of open source projects hinges on more than code contributions. Let's explore actionable strategies for giving back to the community through time, talent, or treasure. Topics to cover include responsible bug filing, navigating feature requests with humility, fostering a culture of appreciation, and encouraging value for value (V4V). We'll delve into practical approaches for both contributing yourself and also inspiring others to participate. I'll share my methods of framing FOSS as a 90% discount to get 10% contributions and encouraging business pledges to give back. From seasoned developers to newcomers, everyone can play a vital role in ensuring the longevity and vibrancy of open source initiatives. Together, let's set the stage to pave the way for a future where open source continues to flourish.
I’m Brandon and I've been using Linux and open source for 25+ years: first as a hobby, then a career, now in my own business.