SouthEast Linux Fest 2024

How I use Nextcloud for privacy
06-09, 09:00–09:50 (EST5EDT), System76 (BallroomA)

My home installation of nextcloud. How I access it and use it to keep my data private.

My Home NextCloud Server
- Hardware components (Computer, drive...)
- Software Components (Fedora, Apache, MySql, Nextcloud, Fail2Ban, LetsEncrypt)
- Network Components (No-Ip, Network)
- Maintenance (Backups, Application Updates, Server Updates)

What I do with it.
- Users
- Apps installed from repos
- Custom Integrations
- Geo Tracking
- Photo management
- Document editing
- KeePass Integration

- Android Phone Apps
- Which ones used (all from F-Droid)
- How configured.
- Desktop/Laptop

Whoopsies encountered...
- Update failures
- Server failure.


See also:

Just trying to make Tech Work.
Maybe one day I'll figure it out.
Just don't let anyone know I did it....

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