SouthEast Linux Fest 2024

Gaming on Linux: Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
06-08, 15:00–15:50 (EST5EDT), Rocky Linux (BallroomB)

Last year, we covered how to improve gaming performance. In this talk, recap last years discussion, while we also cover improvements in performance since the past year, and also learn about tools to make it quicker and easier to get gaming!

Last year, we covered ways to improve gaming performance on both low-end and high-end hardware. This year, we recap any advances and changes from last year. We also learn about tools to make it quicker and easier to get gaming! These tools include, but are not limited to:
- Proton, ProtonUp, and ProtonUp-Qt
- Bottles
- Lutris
- Gamescope
- And more!

Lead Developer of Drauger OS, the Linux desktop gaming OS, Thomas has been using Linux for over 10 years, and developing or it for over 7.

Thomas is an avid Linux gamer and Maker. He enjoys playing games such as Skyrim, Doom, and Tomb Raider on his Linux box.