SouthEast Linux Fest 2024

NIkolay Sivko

Nikolay Sivko, Founder & CEO at Coroot, is on a mission to make production troubleshooting easier for developers everywhere. He's deeply enthusiastic about SRE practices, observability, open source solutions. With over a decade of hands-on experience in the Observability field, Nikolay is a seasoned expert who brings practical insights.


Troubleshooting Microservice Architectures
NIkolay Sivko, Peter Zaitsev

This talk explores troubleshooting complex systems with hundreds or thousands of services. It addresses key questions on necessary service information and dashboard structuring for rapid comprehension. Effective utilization of observability signals like metrics, logs, traces, and profiles is discussed, along with automation strategies for root cause analysis.

FOSS in Prod
System76 (BallroomA)
Zero-instrumentation observability based on eBPF
NIkolay Sivko, Peter Zaitsev

System observability is crucial for issue resolution but demands significant time and resources. This talk focuses on leveraging eBPF to gather telemetry data like metrics, logs, and traces. We'll also explore tracking container activities and using telemetry for troubleshooting effectively.

Emerging Technologies
System76 (BallroomA)
Delay accounting: an underrated feature of the Linux kernel
NIkolay Sivko

Understanding CPU time shortages isn't simple. Conventional metrics like CPU usage or Load Average may not suffice. Few realize the Linux kernel tracks task wait times for kernel resources. This talk delves into Linux kernel metrics unveiling CPU time shortages, essential for managing application latency.

Rocky Linux (BallroomB)